Letter to the Editor: Christians have a problem says school board


By Vern Peterson
Dear Editor:

We have a problem!

Trustees for Battle River Regional School Division said verses from the Holy Bible contravene Alberta Human Rights legislation. Diane Hutchinson said the BRSD must see that Cornerstone Academy is compliant.

Ms. Hutchinson, acccording to the Alberta Human Rights Act (current as of Dec. 11, 2015), the preamble states that all persons are equal in dignity, rights and responsibilities without regard to race, religious beliefs, colour, gender identity, gender expression, physical disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income, family status or sexual orientation.

No person shall make a statement that indicates discrimination or intent to discriminate against a person or class of persons or is likely to expose a person or class of person to hatred or contempt because they belong to one part of the group mentioned in the preamble.

In the case of the Cornerstone Christian Academy I refer to religious beliefs. Religious beliefs are equal to all the other aforementioned persons…. for more see the July 25/17 Mercury

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