Right Wing Extremists Ain’t What They Used To Be


There was a day when being a right wing extremist meant you were part of the Arian Nations or Ku Klux Klan, or some nefarious organization like that.
But if your beliefs differ from those of certain left-wing Liberals of today, they’re quick to call people extremists who are actually just Conservatives.
Considering both Liberals and Conservatives have shifted just slightly left of where they used to be, the best that I can tell is that it means people who believe in the following must now be RW extremists:
• You are pro-military, and pro-police; and think both are essential for the protection of our country and civilization. You don’t feel either discriminates 99.9 per cent of the time.
• You stand for O’ Canada out of respect for the country and the young “sons” (mostly) who fought and sometimes died for our freedom.
• You take your hat off in a restaurant, because you were taught it was good manners.
• You sympathize with people who have gender issues, but believe there are only two sexes – genetically speaking.
• You believe illegal immigrants are not really immigrants at all. They are in the country illegally – and that means they are really just criminals. Immigrants go through the legal process (created for a reason) for the honour of becoming Canadian citizens.
• You believe in having social programs, but not as a crutch for people who don’t want to work.
• You believe in having less government, less laws and less bureaucracy. You believe in taxing citizens and businesses less, so they can circulate their money rather than allowing the government to do it.
• You believe that an unborn child is a living person with the right to be born and live its life as you were allowed to live yours.
• You believe in nationalism – Canada first. You want the government to spend the money its citizens give it, in Canada for Canadians.
• You believe people have the right to hunt, and legally own registered firearms according to the laws of our country.
• You believe it is possible to believe any or all of these things – and more – without being a racist, misogynist, or right wing extremist.
• People today are too quick to label those who disagree with them. Contrary opinions should not be feared or avoided, but used as a way to test whether your views are valid.
It’s amazing how undiscovered facts, new angles and uncovered evidence can completely change an opinion if given the time and consideration.
Otherwise you are setting yourself up for the possibility of just being wrong.
– Kerry Anderson, Publisher

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