Cornerstone Christian concert raises $15K

This past Thursday, Feb. 22 the Cornerstone Christian Academy (CCA) in Kingman hosted a Union of Sinners and Saints concert

raising $15,000 approximately for the school’s “contingency fund.”

Deanna Margel, left, and Emily with band members of the Union of Sinners and Saints. SUBMITTED PHOTO

“We don’t have the final tally yet, but I believe the total will be somewhere around $15,000,” said Deanna Margel, chair of

the CCA board and one of the main organizers.

The concert, which drew a 200-strong crowd was “fantastic” Margel said.

“I didn’t know exactly what to expect,” Margel remarked. “Both Petra and Whiteheart were pretty heavy rock bands –

I’ve had a couple of their albums as a teen that I still listen to, and enjoy even now; but I didn’t know what those songs

might sound like with just three performers!”

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