Cornerstone Christian concert raises $15K
This past Thursday, Feb. 22 the Cornerstone Christian Academy (CCA) in Kingman hosted a Union of Sinners and Saints concert
raising $15,000 approximately for the school’s “contingency fund.”

“We don’t have the final tally yet, but I believe the total will be somewhere around $15,000,” said Deanna Margel, chair of
the CCA board and one of the main organizers.
The concert, which drew a 200-strong crowd was “fantastic” Margel said.
“I didn’t know exactly what to expect,” Margel remarked. “Both Petra and Whiteheart were pretty heavy rock bands –
I’ve had a couple of their albums as a teen that I still listen to, and enjoy even now; but I didn’t know what those songs
might sound like with just three performers!”
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