Tofield student Lindsay Suchy shares her Lions Leadership Camp experience

From July 29 to Aug. 3 this year, Tofield student Lindsay Suchy had an experience of a lifetime.

Selected as part of the Lions Leadership Camp, Suchy spent time during the camp getting to know people from various countries.

“There were students from all over the world, and some of the people I interacted with came from Poland, Netherlands, France, and Brazil,” Suchy recalled. “Each day we were doing something different and new. There were leadership classes, team-building exercises, and a lot of fun as we got to know each other during the trips we took.”

Suchy with kids from all over the world at the Lions Leadership Camp. SUBMITTED PHOTO

From exploring Waterton to white water rafting in Fernie to the Great Canadian Barn Dance, the kids at the Leadership Camp had a “wonderful time.”

“We also learnt a lot,” Suchy said. “Personally for me, something that I took away from the camp was not to stereotype people who are from other countries. I learned how to create community with people I’d just met and that made me feel less shy.”