Tofield Eyecare raises funds for Food Bank
Despite the cold, and a slight dip in temperature, Tofield Eyecare hosted their first year anniversary celebrations on Friday afternoon, Sept. 14.
Barbecuing as part of the event to show customer appreciation, owner and one of the main doctors at the facility, Marc Kallal donated all proceeds – $485 – to the Tofield and Area Food Bank.

“We teamed up with the Food Bank and bought the burgers and whatever was required to host the barbecue fundraiser, while the Food Bank volunteers cooked the burgers,” said Kallal. “We were planning to have bouncy castles as well but because of the weather we had to cancel it.”
There was a frame sale as well with two of the Eyecare frame representatives bringing in over 1,500 frames to select from with a 40 per cent discount.
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