Ryley History Book Committee disbands
The Ryley History Book committee, which was formed in Oct. 2013 to help work on the Beaver Tales II was disbanded after their final meeting in August this year.
The committee, which constituted of four active members – Janet Winsnes, Ruth Bekker, Sharon Nimchuk, and Mildred Stensrud – and two auxilliary members – Marilyn Bruha and Theresa Manderson – along with the help of a group of proofreaders launched the Beaver Tales II in Oct. 2015.

“We were trying to disburse the funds we had even after the launch within the community,” said Janet Winsnes. “We were successfully able to do that, and so a motion was made to disband the committee. Sincere thanks go out to all of the committee members for the thousands of hours that were donated toward this project.” . . . contd.
Read the rest in the Oct. 24th Tofield Mercury.