“Just when the caterpillar thought her life was over, she began to fly.”

Every one of us is wired for new beginnings. Not one of us lacks appreciation, or at least curiosity, for a fresh start and the opportunity to leave the past behind.

New beginnings are our big break to be co-authors in re-writing parts of our life story while giving the appropriate respect to those things we should continue to value. They are the clean slate and the blank canvas we have inwardly desired but have been too timid to request.

As we are long passed our time of inception, we are sure to experience the change that comes to us cloaked in loss. At these moments, change may come unbidden and we are not quite ready for its arrival.

Sometimes it is unwanted, as when a loved one leaves without our permission or we are pressed into moving to a new place even when it’s to our benefit.

Inwardly we are forever seeking safety and comfort in what we know and are familiar with, even when it is not in our best interest.

Consequently, we are left with feeling resentful, asking the age old question, “Why?” or “Why me?” . . . contd.