Letter to the Editor: Choosing the Candidate

Right now, you have the opportunity to have a say in who represents each of the political parties that will field candidates in the provincial election next spring.

You could purchase a membership for each of the parties and then vote to determine who the candidate will be for each one of them. Then you can choose the best candidate and/or party when it comes time to vote in the provincial election.

So, right now it’s not really about any particular party. It’s all about choosing the candidate.

I need your support to become the candidate for the Alberta Party’s new Camrose riding in order to build their profile and let people know the Alberta Party is a real option, a centre option in the next Provincial election. The Camrose riding extends from Tofield to Viking-Kinsella, to Hardisty to Bashaw and includes the City of Camrose.

With 25 years of business experience, and involvement with local organizations, I have been continually building relationships with the great people of our region, gaining an understanding of the important issues we face including a lack of rural transportation, declining population, agricultural challenges and robust healthcare.

I also have municipal experience as both a Councillor and Reeve of Beaver County. At Council Chambers, we don’t always agree on issues, but we show respect for one another’s opinions, bring solutions forward and make informed decisions. It’s been an honour to represent Beaver County for the past five years and I want to continue this at the Provincial level. In order to do that, I need your help in this important first step – becoming the candidate for the Alberta Party’s new Camrose riding.

In order to vote in the Alberta Party nomination contest, you need to purchase a membership by 1 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 29. They are available from me or online at albertaparty.ca. The voting will take place at the CRE in Camrose on Saturday, Dec. 1 between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

Kevin Smook

Seeking Alberta Party Nomination