Christmas bird count concluded with 23 species


A Tofield Christmas tradition since 1986 concluded with 23 species of birds noted in an area encompassing a 24 kilometre radius of Tofield’s townsite.

The Christmas bird count took place on Saturday, Dec. 15, with a tally of 1,131 birds sighted.

With temperatures forecast to be in a fairly mild range, the hope was to amass a good selection of species, however, Mother Nature had a challenging agenda of fierce, west north westerly winds.

This most certainly drove the hardiest to seek shelter from the cruel gusts. This ambitious naturalist undertaking was conducted by 15 observers, clocking up and down countless roads and for the more tenacious participants, traipsing through snowy tree lots in hopes of witnessing the hiding creatures.

Complimenting the search were seven backyard feeder enthusiasts who added their birds seen, and also reported of meagre sightings. The following are the species recorded. . . . contd.

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