Ryley Cadet Travis Luscombe enjoys time aboard Pacific Grace
It was definitely a different experience for Ryley’s Travis Luscombe as the 17-year-old acquainted himself with life at sea through the final days of winter.

“While many youths were biding their time in the final days of winter, Travis Luscombe, a Sea Cadet with the 56 Nootka Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps in Holden was getting acquainted with life at sea,” said Lieutenant (Navy) Alex Boos CD, Commanding Officer, 56 Nootka RCSCC. “He was chosen as one of 55 Sea Cadets from across Canada to spend a week on board one of two tall ships off the Pacific Coast during the middle of March when most kids were in school and getting excited about their spring break plans.”

Speaking about his experience, Chief Petty Officer First Class Luscombe said, “It was amazing! I had a blast, and learned a lot about life at sea. I have never been on a ship like this before and it was a great experience!”
According to Boos, Luscombe spent his time on board learning to perform the various duties of a crewman at sea, including performing watch duties on the port, starboard, bow and stern. . . . contd.