Tofield School raises awareness about mental health
It was Mental Health Awareness Week from May 6-12, and Tofield School acknowledged this by wearing hats in solidarity and to raise awareness about this important cause.
Tofield staff and students posed in the gymnasium later in the day to mark the event.

“Mental health is a very important topic,” said Principal, Janice Muench. “It can affect how someone works, and how they interact with others. Without good mental health it is harder to live a healthy lifestyle.”
Muench further explained that, her definition of mental health is how one feels as a person. That means, how those affected by it interact with the world around them, and how people struggling with mental health, honour, and appreciate themselves.
“We often put everything out for the world,” stated Muench. “We don’t always make time for ourselves. We need to sometimes put our bodies and minds first, or else it could lead to everything falling apart.”
Muench also said, that social media, and technology can affect youths self-worth. She said that she had noticed that many students are focused on how many ‘likes’ they get for their posts, or if anyone had responded to their post and that can affect how they view themselves. . . . contd.