Tofield School says goodbye to Heather Harkness and Joyce Kallal
Grade 5 teacher, Heather Harkness will be retiring from her long-term position at Tofield School at the end of this school year, and so will learning coach and mentor, Joyce Kallal.

Harkness’s official retirement date will be on Tuesday, July 30.

“I have been teaching now for 32 years,” said Harkness. “Over the years I have taught grades 1 to 4. I’ve also taught grades 5 to 6.”
Harkness added that she has taught at Tofield School for 28 years. Prior to her position at Tofield School, she taught in Red Earth Creek, Alberta and in Fox Creek, Alberta.
“I want my students to remember that life is full of lessons, some that are hard and some that are easy,” remarked Harkness.
Harkness also commented that she hopes her students try to learn what they can from any situation that comes their way.
“One life lesson that I could give my students is that you have to allow yourself to learn from your mistakes,” stated Harkness. “Moving on after making a mistake is one of the best ways you can begin to learn from a situation.”
She noted that the hardest part of her retiring will be the last day that she walks out of Tofield School as a teacher, and hopes that her students remember to be patient with themselves and others.
“I am not sure that I can pick just one memory that is my favourite from my time at Tofield School,” said Harkness. “I will always remember the memories that made me laugh!” . . . contd.