Tofield long-term care’s duet bicycle
Among the many local businesses and other organizations that had their floats during the Canada Day parade, was Tofield long-term care’s duet bicycle.

Truly considered a project of technology and innovation, the Tofield and Area Health Foundation (TAHF) Chair Brenda Chehade said that it wouldn’t have been possible had it not been for the generosity and the huge donation that a family had made.
The entire funding for the duet bicycle came from a memorial donation from a local family.
“We are really working on ways of promoting philanthropy, and the purchase of the duet bicycle was totally possible because of one family that donated a large sum of money to TAHF,” Chehade emphasized. “Recently the Tofield School hosted a talent show and they wanted all of the funds raised to go to TAHF.”
According to Chehade, since the funds were raised mainly through music, the full amount of the donation was put into another memorial fund donated by a local family, and al of this will be used to bring music to the long-term care residents. . . . contd.