Sunshine Villa encourages creativity through art projects

On Friday, July 12 some Sunshine Villa residents gathered in the activity room and let creativity flow for their monthly art project.

The theme for this art class was balloons. Residents could use balloons to stamp designs onto a canvas or they could create a painting with balloons in it.

“I always encourage the residents to try different things,” said Activity Coordinator Julie Ishida. “It warms my heart seeing them get absorbed in their painting process. It is especially rewarding when a resident who was initially hesitant to paint, starts to paint and begins to try new techniques or even new designs.”

Adeline Morrison uses a balloon to create the colours she wants for her painting. In the background, June Stone gets ready to start painting. KYLIE KUFLAY PHOTOS

Ishida explained that the art projects can be realistic such as landscapes, or sometimes the paintings can be abstract, adding that the focus for creating abstract paintings is to try out and explore different methods of applying paint to canvas, selecting the colours, creating shapes, swirls, and textures with the paint.

“The residents experimented with how different techniques feel and what kind of results that technique may yield,” stated Ishida. “Some of the paintings over the years have been done with rolling pins, yarn, toilet paper rolls, and most recently, balloons.” . . . contd.

Sandi Cooper works on filling in her art which portrayed an elephant holding balloons.