Stolen truck from Tofield found off Hwy. 14

During the past week Tofield RCMP responded to 36 calls for service. Included in the calls for service were a motor vehicle collision, a 911 hangup, and a false alarm.

On Aug. 18, a resident of Tofield called in to report a theft. Sometime overnight, suspects stole two propane bottles off of his trailer.

On Aug. 22, a business in Tofield reported their shop was broken into overnight. The suspects attended the business, broke in and stole a truck which was parked in the bay. Later in the morning, the vehicle was called in abandoned on the side of Hwy 14 between Bruce and Holden. RCMP attended and recovered the vehicle for a forensic examination.

On Aug. 24, a resident of Holden reported a mischief to his vehicle. The callers pickup truck was having mechanical issue and was taken in for repair.

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