Opinion: Quit shooting the messenger
Governments, institutions, boards and unions continue to grow. As they do, they demand more and more control. The more control they get, the larger they get, and the smaller the little people. You know the little people right? It’s you, me and Uncle Clem. It’s us taxpayers . . . the ones whose money it is that pays the salaries of these people who work within their self-made system thick with multiple layers of bureaucracy. We’re the people “public servants” work for, though you’d never know it sometimes.
Just last week a simple article in one of our Caribou newspapers promoting school activities in a positive way, was chastised for not first getting approval from the proper authorities within the school system.
News flash: We don’t work for the school system. I asked if the facts were wrong in the story?
No. I asked if it was a private document in which the information was attained from?
No. I asked if the person was misquoted?
No. Okay so what is the problem?
The article gave information important to parents about the upcoming school year, and the facts were taken from a newsletter sent out to parents online. In other words, shareable information.
So if the school system had a problem .