Alberta: fewest MPs per capita in Canada

One of the most glaring flaws with the Canadian federal election last week (aside from the results) was when many Albertans noticed for the first time that Atlantic Canada had almost the same amount of seats in the House of Commons as our home province, yet a population just over half of Alberta’s.

Because Canada’s election is supposed to be based solely on population, with little regard for provincial or territorial boundaries, that seemed weird so I thought I would compare populations to seats in the House of Commons.

Atlantic Canada gets 32 Members of Parliament (MP), with a population of 2.4 million. Alberta gets 34 MPs with a population of 4.3 million. That means the Atlantic provinces get an MP for every 75,000 people. In Alberta, we get an MP for every 126,000 people – the lowest representation per capita in Canada.

Ontario has a population of roughly 14.5 million people and receives a seat in the House of Commons for every 120,000 people (121 total). . . . contd.

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