Beaver Municipal Solutions celebrates Waste Reduction Week, launches AgPlastics

This past Wednesday, Oct. 23, Beaver Municipal Solutions (BMS) invited community members and BMS executives to commemorate Waste Reduction Week, Oct. 21-27, but more importantly to launch their latest diversion program, AgPlastics, which would include collection of grain bags and twine.

Cutting the ribbon at the facility was Tammy Shields of Clean Farms, western regional program coordinator, who was present to give a more detailed insight into the new pilot program.

Tammy Shields of Clean Farms (with the scissors) cuts the ribbon to mark Waste Reduction Week. Also seen from left: Anne Ruzicka, Program and Communication Supervisor; Don Zembal, PolyAg; Brian Ducherer, BMS Chairman; Harold Conquest, BMS Vice-Chairman; and PAC member Ron Yarham. MOUSH JOHN PHOTOS

“We’re really excited about this program,” Shields said, displaying some of the ag recycling bags.

The transparent bags that were clearly marked with instructions read: Shake to remove debris, separate twine from other ag film and pack tightly, and return to your collection site.

Tammy Shields of Clean Farms displays the recycling bags.

“Waste Reduction Week is important to all of us at Beaver Municipal Solutions as we all have a part to play in taking care of our planet and ensuring there are resources for future generations,” Ruzicka said. “We encourage everyone to follow the 3Rs hierarchy – reduce, reuse and recycle; by reducing the amount of waste generated in the first place or reusing items before disposing of them, there is less waste to deal with.”

BMS executives, employees, and community members pose with properly rolled grain bags for recycling on Wednesday, Oct. 23.

The AgPlastics program will ensure that twine and grain bags are kept out of the landfill and recycled into something more useful, being a win-win for all within the cycle. . . . contd.

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