Tofield and area community members came together to honour and pay their respects at the Remembrance Day service hosted by the Tofield Legion.

Legion members led by RCMP on Main Street. MOUSH JOHN PHOTOS

The service started with the March in the Colours followed by ‘O Canada’. A moment of silence was observed at 11 a.m. after which the Legion President Barbara Ferguson welcomed veterans and their families, guests, and all those who were in attendance.

Despite the weather and the cold spell, this year the attendance was more than previous year’s with many having to stand through the service.

Tofield’s vets occupied the front row at the Remembrance Day service. 

Various local organizations and service clubs participated in the laying of the wreaths, including the RCSCC Nootka Cadets, RCMP, Beaver municipal Solutions, Beaver County, Town of Tofield, Legion Branch 91, Tofield Chamber of Commerce, Tofield Fire Department, Tofield Lions Club, Tofield EMS, Busy B, Junior Forest Wardens, Beaverhill Rural Crime Watch, and Tofield Historical Society among others.

Town of Tofield Mayor Deb Dueck.
Legion Secretary Bonnie Ferguson.

Beaver County councillor Kevin Smook read the D-Day, followed by Linton Delainey reading In Waters Deep, and Paul shaw reading High Flight. There was a special presentation by the Quilts of Valour (see Page 2 and 3 for story), represented by Deb Krahn.

Chaplain Dan Hillyer of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints led those present in a Call to Worship. . . . contd.

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