I’d never taken much interest in the Chinese Zodiac Calendar until I discovered that 2020 was the Year of the Rat. It couldn’t have been more aptly named.

Rats are not popular. They are vermin – not to be confused with varmints which are cute little comic characters, or in the real world, squirrels and chipmunks. Rats are unclean and spread disease. Does that remind you of anything? Yes, Year of the Rat, Year of Covid. Same difference. The only difference is that rats desert the sinking ship; Covid turns everything around it into a sinking ship and then sticks around to watch the chaos that follows. Covid, if it had a mother, rat her out to save itself (the dirty snitch).

Fortunately, that’s all behind us. Not only have we – mankind – proven ourselves stronger than Mr. Rat thought we were but his Year is over and the Year of the Ox has begun. In fact no more major catastrophes are expected with the strong and stubborn ox in charge. Go, Ox!! Stomp that Rat into dust! . . . contd.

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