Council holds election for three commission seats on BESC

At their latest meeting, Beaver County Council held an election between themselves for the three county seats on the Beaver Emergency Services Commission (BESC), which oversees the fire and emergency services in the county.

For the west end seat, both Reeve Kevin Smook (Division 1) and new councillor Lionel Williams (Division 2) hoped to represent the county.

Deputy Reeve Gene Hrabec (Division 3) and Councillor Barry Bruce (Division 4) wanted to represent the Central part of the county, and Councillor Dale Pederson (Division 5) wanted the East position on the commission. That meant five people wanted three spots triggering an election.

All of council had heard concerns expressed by ratepayers during the municipal election about the costs surrounding BESC operations and the fees charged for fire services, which many considered too high.

“I think we’re going to have a few new members . . . contd.

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