Beaver County thefts and mischief keep Tofield RCMP busy

The Tofield RCMP responded to 29 occurrences from Feb. 7 to 13, 2022 (inclusive). Also included in these calls for service were thirteen traffic complaints/tickets, one suspicious person/vehicle complaints, one well-being check, four 911 complaint/false alarms, five motor vehicle collisions and traffic enforcement provided by the K Division Traffic Unit.

On Feb. 7, the Tofield RCMP responded to an online fraud complaint in Beaver County. Tofield RCMP spoke to the complainant who advised that they had placed an advertisement to sell heavy machinery on an online website. Shortly after placing the advertisement, they were advised that an unknown person(s) had taken the same pictures of the heavy equipment and placed a fraudulent advertisement for the same equipment, for a cheaper price. . . . contd.

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