Middle school awards day held at Tofield School

Tofield School held their middle school awards day on June 23, honouring 88 students grades five to eight in categories including Fine Arts Awards, Leadership Awards, and Most Improved Awards.

Grade six teacher, Ashley Netik, who organized the awards day event along with fellow teacher Dianna Woode, said it’s important to showcase students’ achievement and celebrate their hard work.

“It was great to be able to come together as a middle school and celebrate the achievements of our Titans. Our students work hard throughout the year and deserve the recognition,” she said. “I appreciate being able to work on a committee that’s so dedicated to showcasing our student success.”

Others on the organizing committee included Mrs. Buckley, Mrs. Erick, Mr. Kendall and Principal Mrs. Lazaruik.

Emcees for the event were grade eight students Evan Woode and Aanya Dimri.

Fine Arts Award
5K Rebecca Borsholt
5N Jeff Weiss
5W Summer Greenough
6C Cohen Forrest
6N Jade Cronkhite
6W Ezra Asante

French Award
5A Chloe Madsen
5B James Conrad
6A Leland Charlesworth
6B Kellyn Gallinger

Phys Ed Award

5A Cheyenne Martin
5B Austin Dehid
6A Jamie Renneberg
6B Desmond Fleck

SSP Award

Friendship Award: Abby McLaughlin
Collaboration Award: Peyton McMartin
Social Skills Award: Charlotte Reeves
Positivity Award: Mimi Reeves

Most Improved Award

5K Lyla Gibson-Pankiw
5N Brody Diehl
5W Cooper Kroeker
6C Ashley Belds
6N Aleah Ismond
6W Lisa Godin
7A Mary Bomiel
7B Linkin Grant
8A Hudson Lungal
8B Daria Waddington

Fine Arts Award Art & Drama Excellence
Grade 7: Jasmine Gray
Grade 8: Sierra Bremner

Cultural Award Film Studies & Music Appreciation Excellence
Grade 7: Emily Renneberg
Grade 8: Brynn Coombes

CTF Award Foods, Shop/Tech Excellence
Grade 7: Logan Suchy
Grade 8: Jade Fitzpatrick

Active Learning Award Outdoor Ed & Sports Ed Excellence
Grade 7: Alec Hayduk
Grade 8: Evan Woode

Leadership Award Genius Hour & Cooperative Games Excellence
Grade 7: Parker Le Blanc
Grade 8: Aanya Dimri

Sports Award Cross Country Award
Grade 5: Phineas Asante, Chloe Madsen
Grade 6: Ezra Asante, Tyler Dawe
Grade 7: Trevor Gordon, Parker LeBlanc
Grade 8: Cale Helfrich, Michelle Saddleback
Sports Award
Volleyball Award
Eve Busenius
Joseph Woodruff

Basketball Award
Ruby Knudsen

Badminton Award
Grade 7: Tayden Soosay, Sophie Kroeker
Grade 8: Evan Woode, Catie Behiels
Track and Field Award
Grade 7: Owen Bolanos, Ella Cahoon
Grade 8: Grayson Armstrong, Sierra Bremner

Academic Excellence Elementary Awards
Grade 5
Phineas Asante
Meliah Casey
Austin Dehid
Pearl Fraser-Antonelli
Lynkin Harder
Gracelyn Hayduk
Rhys Janzen
Cheyenne Martin
Kaylor Mason
Adria Schmidt-Paborn
Nolan Strilchuk
Molly Wagar
Gwen Webb
Jacey Wentzell
Cole Williams

Grade 6
Kennedy Boucher
Elizabeth Payne
Kylin Thom
Eve Torpe
Aiden Zacharias

Academic Excellence Awards

Grade 7
Bennett Armstrong
Liz Bigney
David Cardinal
Tori Clennin
Lane Dehid
Allison Ferron
Eli Hall
Tenley Hamer-Koehler
Ruby Knudsen
Parker LeBlanc
Gavin Lutz
Sophie Neufeld
Emily Rennenberg
Jonas Teefy

Grade 8
Grayson Armstrong
Catie Behiels
Eve Busenius
Leigh Busenius
Steven Cardinal
Kailey Hrabec
Marcus Hryniw
Mason Jeffrey
Vienna Koeckeritz
Alex Stewart
Erin Strilchuk
Daria Waddington
Joseph Woodruff

Honours with Distinction Award
Grade 7
Alec Hayduk
Grade 8
Aanya Dimri
Evan Woode

Outstanding Award

Grade 7
Alec Hayduk

Grade 8
Aanya Dimri
Evan Woode


Jana Semeniuk, Staff Reporter