Ryley Community Preschool remembers

The students of Ryley Community Preschool visited the Ryley Cenotaph on Thursday, Nov. 8 to lay handmade poppies in jars at the Ryley Cenotaph.

Ryley Cenotaph after students had laid their handmade poppies. SUBMITTED PHOTO

“As part of our program we endeavour to involve the children in activities that help them understand what Remembrance Day is all about,” said Larissa Holowachuk, program facilitator. “Thankfully the weather cooperated this year and we were able to visit the County Office so each child could purchase poppy pins. We then walked across the road to the Ryley Cenotaph and placed the poppies that we had made in jars there to show that we remember.”

According to Holowachuk, the children also made wreaths this year, which they took home that additionally incorporated the purple poppies, commemorating the animals that have died in service. . . . contd.