As Canadians in a democratic nation, the majority of us in Alberta may not be happy with the results of Monday’s federal election but we have to respect and acknowledge that somehow Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau won again.

The man is Teflon, and despite all the controversies surrounding him will incredibly remain our PM for another four years. But will Alberta stick around for his term?

This election was terrible for Alberta. The Liberals have outright said that they plan to shut down the Alberta oilsands, the world’s third largest oil deposit, and leave trillions of dollars under the ground.

They also bought the Trans Mountain Pipeline for what seems like the sole purpose of having control of the ability to do absolutely nothing with the $4.5 billion purchase using Canadian taxpayer money.

But according to the election results, Canadians couldn’t care less about leaving trillions of dollars in the ground. Oil reserves are finite. Oil usage will also be finite. It seems to me that if you have a finite product – and a changing market away from your product – you would want to sell as much of that commodity as quickly as possible while there is still a demand. . . . contd.

Read the REST OF THE STORY in the latest edition of The Tofield Mercury – available on newsstands now, or buy the single issue online right now!