Beaver Municipal Solutions info session outlines benefits of incorporation

Beaver Municipal Solutions (BMS) hosted information sessions in various communities recently to inform members about the benefits of incorporation.

Speaking at the Tofield Council Chambers, Keith McLaughlin of New West Public Affairs presented to attendees the importance and advantages of turning the organization into an incorporation.

Keith McLaughlin, senior consultant of New West Public Affairs presents on behalf of Beaver Municipal Solutions at the Tofield information session. MOUSH JOHN PHOTOS

The new corporate entity will be called Claystone Waste Ltd. and its board of directors would continue to be appointed by the member municipalities, but from communities involved, according to McLaughlin, rather than being elected officials.

For many years BMS was supported by taxpayer-funded requisitions from municipal members, however in the beginning of 2014, rather than being supported by municipal taxpayer, BMS began providing a dividend back to municipalities to support local priorities and regional residents.

Unlike a typical municipal service, like road construction, operations are not funded by taxpayers and BMS provides community benefits back through dividends, subsidized services and community grants.

Councillors and other members of the public, including BMS employees attend the Tofield information session.

McLaughlin stressed that it’s because of this, besides other reasons, it would be advantageous to incorporate BMS; in addition to the revenue it generated, the new entity – Claystone – could be looking into other sources of income. . . . contd.

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