COUNCIL CORNER: Town of Tofield stands behind grads missing out on their proudest moment

Friends, throughout the pandemic we have all found ourselves within, we have discussed the necessity for focusing on the positive, sourcing “the light” and essentially aspects within everyday life to bring hope, peace and clarity.

The world as we have recently become accustomed to has been anything but easy, and as I have mentioned has affected each of us differently.

One such way I believe “the light” can be focused on is within our own community. We are amongst the largest source of hope, light and positive focus upon our future.

This focus to the future lies within the hands of our 2020 graduating class. These young people have a bright future ahead of them and possess the ability to be and do whatever they set their minds to. These young people hold the keys to the opportunity to change the world before us.

One of, or many of, these young people may have the solutions we need now and may need in the days and years ahead of us. It would be very easy to focus on what has been taken from us, or what we have been deprived of.

No one would know this better than our graduating class.

What very likely was the proudest moment of their young lives has been derailed for the time being. Let’s build these youth up, and know they are integral to the community and each of our success. Please know, collectively we are proud of you and feel for each one of you in what must be a very difficult time. Please take this time to appreciate your accomplishments and know the community of Tofield stands behind you.

Lastly, we as a Province are preparing for the relaunch of the economy, business and a return to a semblance of normalcy. I must caution a slow and methodical approach. This is not the time for complacency. Although numbers are slowly decreasing for both active and new cases of COVID 19, we must focus on what is  necessary for success and moving past this virus.

Following the Provincial guidelines is imperative for our success not only for the immediate time but also for our future.

On behalf of Council, I wish each of you continued health, the continued feeling of hope as we navigate this as a community.


Mayor and Council

Town of Tofield