COUNCIL CORNER: Town of Tofield urges community to follow guidelines as crisis concludes

Since the onset of the  COVID-19 pandemic, the thoughts, views and approach from the perspective of Mayor and Council has not changed. The health, safety and well being of Tofield’s residents is of paramount importance.

In order to ensure the aforementioned is being adhered to, Mayor and Council cannot stress enough the extreme importance of the Provincial guidelines. These guidelines state; Social Distancing, not gathering in groups, staying home to self isolate when not feeling well, and performing self isolation upon returning from travel.

Of great concern is the last piece. Collectively, we have became aware of people not following the necessity to self isolate. This is providing a danger to our community. This creates a potential spread to the community through ignorance and a cavalier approach.

Tofield, as with many communities across the country have vulnerable individuals and an approach of not following Provincial guidelines puts these people at high risk.

Sentiments can not be stated more passionately, follow the Provincial guidelines.

This pandemic is larger than anyone of us individually. The success, health and longevity of our community and residents lies with each of our approaches during this very challenging time.

Finally, I have heard reports of community members not self isolating upon return from travel. I have heard of people accessing grocery stores and other community amenities. This needs to stop, now.

The County is in the midst of a pandemic and what each of us do today can mitigate further spread.

Each of us yearns to return to normal, by not following what we have been asked to do, this will not happen.

Mayor and Council wish each of you health and patience during this time, and once again, do what we have been asked to do. Tofield’s success lies in each of your hands and the actions you choose today and in the days to come.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mayor and Council

Town of Tofield