U of A makes history in Western Canada with Hesje Observatory

The virtual launch of University of Alberta’s Hesje Observatory on Tuesday, Jan. 12 made it the only university in Western Canada with a Dark-Sky Preserve Observatory.

According to Glynnis Hood, who is the manager of the Augustana Miquelon Lake Research Station and also an Environmental Sciences professor at U of A, this facility is one of the only observatories that has the benefit of being in a designated Dark-Sky Preserve.

University of Alberta staff at the newly opened Hesje Observatory at Miquelon Lake Provincial Park. SUBMITTED PHOTOS/DARON DONAHUE

“We can now have a very unhindered view of the sky, and to be able to see it in a more natural format reflects the importance of having Dark- Sky Preserves,” she said, expressing gratitude for the generous donation made by U of A alumnus and retired businessman, Brian Hesje. . . . contd.

A PlaneWave 17″ Corrected Dall-Kirkham telescope inside the University of Alberta Hesje Observatory.

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