Sunshine Villa keeps residents busy

Sunshine Villa residents have been busy with various activities throughout January as they look forward to spring.

“We observed two well known persons’ birthdays in January – Elvis Presley’s on 8th and Robbie Burns on 25th!” said Julie Ishida, activity coordinator at the Villa. “For the former, we had an Elvis Presley activity. I made up a quiz about Elvis.”

Agnes Hamm building her tower with solo cups as part of a S.T.E.M. activity.

The questions were posted along the third-floor hallway, which encouraged walking as residents went to find the questions to test their knowledge about Elvis Presley and to learn more about him.

“Resident Barry Brittain shared some of his Elvis music CDs, which were playing while the residents were doing the quiz,” she added. “After they made the rounds of the questions, they gathered in the Activity Room to go over the answers.

“There are definitely some Elvis fans . . . contd.

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