Eleven Minutes
A Russian actor and a film director just spent 12 days on the International Space Station, on a mission to...
Snow By Any Other Name
Snow was mentioned in my hearing for the first time yesterday, a week before this appears in the paper. I...
Cry Me A River
It has been suggested that we could all use a crying room in our homes. Even if it was done...
Final Farewell
It’s a sad day when you have to say a final farewell to an old friend. One day he’s there...
Getting Gassed
Back in 1942 Oldsmobile was bragging up its new automatic drive in their Desoto; two years later the Desoto factory...
Heat, Rain, and Hornets
This summer I have not spent any more time on our back deck than it takes to cross from the...
Life Digits
Our grandson Kaleb’s birthday is easy to remember. He was born on the eighth day of the eighth month, in...