Ryley/Daysland 2A girls’ team heads off to Zones
This past week the Ryley/Daysland 2A girls’ combined high school team finished league play with a win in Tofield to...
This past week the Ryley/Daysland 2A girls’ combined high school team finished league play with a win in Tofield to...
The community suppers which traditionally came after the farmers’ markets in Tofield are back. This first meal included lemon chicken,...
Parents and other members of the Ministik School community are awaiting a decision from the Elk Island Public School Board...
- BRSD board adds more collaboration and learning days - making school days longer to compensate for lost class time;...
A committee set up to help make Tofield and area an inviting, safe and accessible community has released the results...
The Tofield Titans played host to the Jr. High Boys Basketball Regionals last Friday and Saturday, taking away a silver...
The work of many volunteers within Tofield and area was celebrated last Saturday with a Busy B Awareness Dinner at...
- Tofield School one of many sporting pink shirts to send out an anit-bullying message; - Tofield Midget 'C' team...
Alberta Progressive Conservative leadership hopeful Jason Kenney has taken up the cause of a Ryley senior and raised $5,000 on...