Future of Skate Park in jeopardy -neither town or Tofield Lions can afford to maintain repairs or upkeep
The future of the Tofield Skate Park is in serious jeopardy with a decision by town council not to maintain...
The future of the Tofield Skate Park is in serious jeopardy with a decision by town council not to maintain...
If you want to help out in a good cause that is also exciting, then the Ride for Dad fundraiser...
- Tofield Mayor expects jobs for local people if land purchase on west end of town goes through; - Tofield...
Tofield RCMP are investigating a shooting incident that occurred in the wee hours of Monday, March 28 while two males...
A committee dedicating itself to creating projects within Beaver County that will foster local sustainability on several fronts was well...
Keana Hollmann's love of art has paid off for her. Not only has the Tofield student won a provincial prize...
- Residents of area around Wye Road warned to report suspicious activity after B&E; - Opinion: Editorial - Would you...
The Tofield Skating Club held its annual ice carnival with the theme "Skating Thru the Seasons," featuring winter, spring, summer...
Ryley School received considerable help last week in its latest project of converting a traditional library into the wave of...