Netherworld fun in “There’s A Monster in My Closet”


Play-Catching2The Tofield School’s production of “There’s a Monster in My Closet” sets out to dispel the belief that creatures in the night are not just figments of a child’s imagination.

In this play, they really do exist and take over a young girl’s bedroom – but only after she has fallen asleep and to protect her as she sleeps.

The play is based on a book by Angela D. Stewart with music and lyrics by Bill Francoueur. Drama teacher Melissa Korpan once again directs a lively piece of musical theatre held at the Lutheran Church in Tofield.

Emily Sjursen plays Emily, the girl whose bedroom is invaded by these kindly nocturnal wonders, beginning with Liam Woodruff as Murray the green monster. Murray just wants to come out and pay video games at night but he fails to wait until Emily is asleep. He is drawn up short by Wanda, played by Kelly Deng, another creature instructed to monitor Murray’s act-ions… for more see the June 14/16 Mercury.

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