Camrose-based Damien Kurek wants to win Conservative Party of Canada’s candidacy
Camrose based Damien Kurek has spent Tuesday, May 21 in the Tofield community winding the day with a meeting in the Tofield Legion with residents from the area.
As a local candidate vying for Conservative Party of Canada’s (CPC) candidacy, Kurek has already begun the work. “I am so glad I have been able to spend the day in Tofield to speak with local businesses, meet lots of people, and am looking forward to the town hall event this evening,” Kurek said. “Time and time again I hear people are looking for a change and I humbly ask that folks consider joining the Conservative Party and vote for me in this nomination.”

A big fan of MP Kevin Sorenson’s work in the area, Kurek added, “Kevin has done an extraordinary job over the last two decades, and they are big shoes to fill, but having been friends with Kevin, worked for him, and mentored under him, I am confident that I can continue that legacy. Honesty and hard work are key, and that legacy is something I can continue.”
Kurek is a seasoned politician, who has been around some of the best. He has been involved in Conservative politics since he was a teenager and was first elected to Kevin Sorenson’s local Conservative board of directors at the age of 16. . . . contd.