‘Bus To Swim’ gives local youth swimming opportunity

For more than 25 years there has been ‘Bus To Swim’ programs organized by Town of Tofield.

This program only runs during summer, and is held at the Ryley Pool. One week in July from Monday to Friday; this year it was July 22-26, and one week in August, this year being Aug. 12-16.

“Each lesson is one hour from 11 a.m. until noon,” said Recreation and Facilities Coordinator Vanita Eglauer. “The bus leaves Lions Playground at 10:30 a.m. and returns at 12:30 p.m.”

Participants of ‘Bus to Swim’ program enjoy the water at Ryley Swimming Pool. SUBMITTED PHOTO/SUSIE WILLIAMS

She explained that this program is good for the Tofield community because it helps the kids participating learn to swim, and the lessons are affordable, noting that the ‘Bus To Swim’ provides a way to transport the kids to the lessons if the parents are not able to get them to the Ryley Pool due to work or prior commitments.

“We work with Ryley Pool to coordinate dates, times, and costs; we also book busing and drive, and it’s pretty straightforward to coordinate this program,” remarked Eglauer. “The program is available at a very reasonable cost, because the Village of Ryley subsidies the first set, so the first set of lessons only cost a small fee.”

On Friday, July 26 the ‘Bus to Swim’ kids proudly showed off their completed swimming report card. KYLIE KUFLAY PHOTO

The July program session had 27 participants this year. . . . contd.