Ryley by-election Feb. 28, new CAO appointed

The community of Ryley will be electing a new councillor on Feb. 28 when the by-election takes place.

Since the last municipal election in fall, some residents have expressed their displeasure with council’s decision making, resulting in more than 100 ratepayers submitting a petition to Alberta Municipal Affairs for an investigation.

The petition was addressed to the Minister of Alberta Municipal Affairs and requested an inspection or inquiry into the actions of council and in particular the mayor (Nikita Lee). The petition questions the behaviour of representatives of the jurisdiction prior to and during the municipal election in 2021 and during the initial term of office since being elected on Oct. 18, 2021. It goes on to question whether certain councillors acted in a way that may have brought “ill repute to the Village of Ryley.” As well, the petition charges that Council and Mayor did not treat the Returning Officer, Election Staff, or CAO in a fair and proper manner.

This information was obtained directly form the petition filed. . . . contd.

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