A few days ago, Hubby and I were enjoying dessert, nothing fancy, just Revels. You know – those ice cream things on a stick that, along with Popsicles, have been popular summer treats since, well, forever. On this particular day our kids had joined us for supper and while one happily said yes to a Revel, his brother wanted his same-old-same-old plain vanilla ice cream (which around here is actually frozen yogurt but no one cares). Wouldn’t he like to be taken back to his childhood with a Revel or a Drumstick? Or for a real change, maybe his dad could run to the store for um, those other things on a stick, you know, the chocolate ones…before I was done stumbling around in search of the name, everyone was razzing me about it. For the life of me I could not get the word Fudgsicle out of my mouth. I hate when that happens.

And it seems to happen a lot, making me wonder if a few years from now I’ll be unable to speak coherently at all. . . . contd.

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