Imaginary world of pay for job importance

Imagine a world flipped upside down. Today, and from this date forward, the people with the most important jobs in this world will be paid the very most. Not all of them, but the very best of them. People with high paying, but some might suggest more frivolous jobs, will now be paid like the essential workers of today.

It honestly seems more fair, does it not? But things would need to change with the essential workers. With these new high incomes will be massive competition for those top jobs, so be prepared for some major back-stabbing. Also, in order to be qualified to make this new huge money it must be acknowledged that bad teachers, lazy cops, cowardly firefighters, and the like will be fired without question or recourse just like in Hollywood or an aging sports star.

Everyone in this new world will now be fighting to become a farmer, instead of taking the job for granted. Sanitary engineers and public works employees will be fighting off competition for years, trying to hold-on to their seven-figure salaries.

In this new topsy turvy world . . . contd.