BRSD reviews trustee representation
In a recent series of public meetings, the Battle River School Division Board has brought forward a review of the regional board’s boundaries, population, and how that’s changed since the board was created back in 1995.
The board has hired consultant David Steele to help them complete a review of the division.
During the first public meeting, held at Central High Sedgewick Public School, Board Chair Norman Erickson told the small crowd, “Our goal is to hear you well. That’s what we hope to get out of tonight’s discussion.”
He also wanted to reiterate that the board’s current discussion was only for the purpose of determining electoral ward representation, not student attendance boundaries, nor bus routes. “Not at all,” Erickson said.

The current ward boundaries follow the counties of Flagstaff, Beaver, and Camrose, and the City of Camrose. “It’s been 25 years since those boundaries were set,” said Erickson. “The population has changed since then, and we thought it was prudent to review.”
Erickson said the board decision will be made based on all four meetings, scheduled to take place in each region. He noted that if any changes are proposed as a result of the study and the meetings, then Alberta Education’s approval would be required.
“We have to recognize that things change, and move accordingly,” said Steele, to start his presentation. . . . contd.