Tofield’s Lynne Langager recognized for her 10 years’ service at Roots of Empathy
Ten years is a long time, and that’s the kind of commitment that Tofield’s Lynne Langager has been engaged in, with the ‘Roots of Empathy’ program for which she was recognized on Thursday, May 16.
When one of the former vice-principals, Leah Dushenski, introduced Roots of Empathy to the school, Langager was able to observe the program in action. “I was intrigued by the concept of fostering empathy through the observation of the relationship between a baby and a parent,” Langager recalled, and the rest as they say is history.

The ‘Roots of Empathy’ program is an international, evidence-based classroom program that has shown significant effect in reducing levels of aggression among schoolchildren by raising social/emotional competence and increasing empathy. The program is designed for children between ages of five to 13. In Canada, the program is delivered in English and French and reaches rural, urban, and remote communities including Indigenous communities.
“FCSS helped to sponsor our training, and we had several instructors trained the first year,” Langager said. “I took the training when more money became available.” . . . contd.