PM created the Canadian Climate Change Cult

The days of playing nice have to end. It is time the laws of the land take over and arrest the criminal Canadian Climate Change Cult members who have been ruining our legal economy for years.

Why do I call them a cult? They behave much like one.

Cults have an object of worship. With these people it is the environment . . . and celebrity talking heads . . . and Greta.

Cults have an indoctrination. The Climate Change Cult has been fed misinformation that could be considered brainwashing. How else do you explain a group of people who use petroleum items every day, fly in planes, drive vehicles, keep warm via natural gas, and yet squawk about the horrors of the oil industry and how it is ruining the planet though they themselves are users?

Cults exploit. Leaders want their cult members to ruin the Canadian economy. They have shut down the oil industry, stopped pipelines, halted transportation, and feel its exalted ends justify whatever means it feels necessary despite Canada being a carbon sink and only accounting for two percent of world environmental pollution.

Cults want authoritarianism and will not be accountable for their actions because they feel they are saving the world.

Cult members have an us versus them mentality, as does the Canadian Climate Change Cult. How they save the world by stopping two per cent of pollution is the type of twisted logic only a cult member can justify. . . . contd.

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